Green is EZ Green Home’s favorite color, and therefore St. Patrick’s Day is one of the company’s favorite holidays!
Besides the obvious green drinks and green hair, on this day EZ Green Home also likes to go green to save energy and save that other important green stuff—money! Here are some green tips for St. Patrick’s Day.


  • Take advantage of Daylight Savings Time and spend that extra social hour outside. Open your shades to let in the natural light.
  • Decorate with LED lights.
  • Walk or bike to your local parade or social gathering to save vehicle emissions. If you must drive, carpool!
  • Make it a point to conduct a Home Energy Audit so you can find out where you can save.
  • Completely switch off all electronic gadgets like computer, printer, and TV at night, as they do consume power when put on standby mode. Consider using a Smart Power Strip to save even more electricity.